the best thing a girl could
wear is

E.L.F Goody box.

I got paid the other day, so the first thing I wanted to do was order some goodies online. I decided to get some bits from E.L.F as I haven't long discovered E.L.F and the first few things I got were quite good so I wanted to try some more products!

I ordered:
Hypershine Lip Gloss (Blossom) - £1.50
Plumping Lip Glaze (Ruby kiss) - £1.50
Therapeutic Conditioning Lip Balm (Strawberry creme) - £1.50
Slant Tweezers - £1.50
Studio Makeup Mist & Set - £3.50
Tinted Moisturiser SPF 20 (Nude) - £3.50
Eyebrow Kit (Ash) - £3.50
Complexion Perfection - £3.50
Total Face Brush - £1.50
Nail Block - £1.50
Nail Polish (Red velvet) - £1.50
Nail Polish (Mint cream) - £1.50
Nail Polish (Nude) - £1.50
Nail Polish (Smoky Brown) - £1.50
Nail Polish (Light Pink) - £1.50

Total: £30.50 (orders over £30 get free delivery).

THE diet. Week 3

Well this week has been useless!! I haven't lost any weight but haven't gained any, which isn't too bad considering I went out at the weekend and ended up eating two egg and bacon McMuffin meals to cure my hangover hahaa!!
I am also waiting to get paid so that I can re-join the gym and start exercising like crazy!! I much prefer to go to the gym 2hrs a day, 7 days a week than to eat like a rabbit!!

Roll on next weeeeeek!! :-) I'm staying positive!

Primark binge.

I can not for the life of me resist a bargin!! Can anyone?? But I think I take it too seriously sometimes. I hate spending money, so when I'm in a clothes shop and I see something nice I always think 'I could get that cheaper somewhere else', so actually I never buy clothes!!

Now having a full time job means I actually get a good wage. So at the weekend I decided to go shopping to Bristol. First shop I head for? Primark.

Two hours later....

Superdrug - Essential

If you follow me on twitter you will know that I have problems with getting paid on time and I sometimes end up really really skint at the end of the month. So during these drastic times, I am forced into drastic measures! One of which involved buying Superdrug's super cheap face wash and face moisturiser.

Superdrug Essential face wash for sensitive skin 99p

I didn't have high hopes for this to be honest as I thought its just a basic wash for 99p but I was pleasantly surprised! Don't get me wrong, its nothing amazing but for 99p you cant go wrong!
Its a clear gel with a very very subtle hint of 'cleanness' (if that's understandable). I only used a small amount, rubbed it over my wet face, gave a little scrub and rinsed off with warm water. I managed to get rid of most of my foundation (except round my hair line but that's because I didn't want to get my hair wet) and I managed to loosen all of my mascara ( by this I mean remove it from my eyelashes but get panda eyes!), however I haven't yet found a face wash to actually remove all of my mascara. So after this I just used a face wipe to remove the panda eyes and hey presto! My make was removed by a 99p wash, who'd have thought it! :-) And if your wondering why I don't use a face wipe to remove my mascara while its dry its because I don't like pulling my eyelashes or rubbing them too much as they are really short and I don't have many so I try to keep them as best I can! :-)
Once I had dried my face, it did feel a little try and slightly tight which is a shame but this is when the Superdrug face cream came in handy....

THE diet. Week 2.

This is week two of my diet (Monday 3rd October)! Hopefully this week is even better than last! :D

Okay, so no changes yet but that's expected after only 7 days. 
(If my pictures look like dodgy airbrushing, I can assure they're not! Just my rubbish laptop camera!)


Okay, so this post side-tracks from my normal types of posts but I thought I'd post it anyway. Just a little post on one of my main inspirations :-)

Nicola Roberts.

So if you haven't already guessed, I am ginger and so very proud! I love my hair colour so much! And so when Girls Aloud become famous, I was drawn to Nicola and ever since then I've been a massive fan! She is so confident with her hair and she has her own unique style which I love!!

 Having such naturally pale skin, Nicola used to fake tan religiously! But has now shown many girls that its fine to be pale!! And I absolutely admire her for that! I wish I could do the same, and I would if I didn't have freckles over my entire body!! Nicola looks great because she has porcelain skin, but mine is not so great.

After giving up the fake tan, Nicola then had to find a foundation and other products to meet her skin tone, and knowing from experience, this is very hard. So what did she do? Launched her own make-up range for pale skin! Genius! I haven't yet tried any products yet because I usually fake tan so don't need such pale products, but it is on my to-do-list!

I absolutely love this women!! Such a great role model and fashion icon!!

Nivea vs Nivea

Okay, so my skin is just so awkward. It can not make its mind up! It is very very dry, BUT it doesn't look dry and no one would even guess I have very dry skin! The problem? I put on moisturiser and my skin drinks it like a fish! And no matter how much I put on or how often I use it, it doesn't seem to get any better! Very strange! So I find myself on the constant hunt for a suitable moisturiser.

Now, I used to use two Dove moisturisers (I also did a blog about these), but as the winter has set in my skin as got a little worse. So I am now re-searching for the worlds greatest moisturiser. Another factor to my weird and wonderful skin maybe down to my colouring. I am naturally ginger with very pale, freckly skin so maybe I have skin a little different to the known? You never know! Hahaa!

Here are two more moisturisers that I have tried/trying:

Ladies, just fake it!!

Hello my lovelys!! Now, even if I don't know you personally I still care about you and your very precious skin! So I am going to give a little insight to the dangers of sunbeds. I know its talked about a lot and may be a boring subject to you, but it is so serious and I don't think people fully understand it.

This is a strong view of mine and it will never change. I am very careful with my skin, mainly because I have the palest of skins but also because I want to look good at 50!! :D

Sun damage anyone?

- Sun beds cause approximately 100 deaths a year from Melanoma, a form of cancer!! They give of UV rays which damage skin cells, causing Melanoma!

THE diet. Week 1.

So, I have decided that I want to shift 14lbs (1stone) OR become a size eight, which ever happens first. I have also decided to blog about this so that I have more motivation. I cant just start this and not finish it, right? Well, I hope not!

Starting figure:  Proving to the world that we don't all look like the girls in magazines.