the best thing a girl could
wear is


Just to set the record straight on this funny ol'subject, I do not get paid to write reviews nor do I get given products to review (boohoo). I have nothing against bloggers who do, I'd feel honoured if a company asked me to review their product or even paid me to do so! But, nope, no one has asked me yet!

If I do write about a product that was given to me as a present I will quite openly say so. I will also tell you if I buy a product with vouchers, club card points etc :)

I'm not so sure why some people get so funny about this at all. I don't see the problem and if someone is offering me an expensive product that I wouldn't usually afford then why not!!?

If you do feel that you want me to do a review (I will be honest, so think before you ask please) then please do ask or if you'd like me to do a guest review etc, just ask me :)

Anyway, hey hey. I just wanted to put that in writing for all you interested :)
